Filmscreening: „I don’t belong anywhere - The cinema of Chantal Akerman“

Experimentierbühne Heusteigtheater, Heusteigstraße 45, 70180 Stuttgart

27.11.2019 | 18:00

„I don’t belong anywhere - The cinema of Chantal Akerman“ explores some of the Belgian filmmaker's 40 plus films, and from Brussels to Tel Aviv, from Paris to New York, it charts the sites of her peregrinations. An experimental filmmaker, a nomad, Chantal Akerman shared with Marianne Lambert her cinematic trajectory, one that never ceased to interrogate the meaning of her existence. And with her editor and long-time collaborator, Claire Atherton, she examines the origins of her film language, and aesthetic stance.

Eine Veranstaltung des Studiengangs M.F.A. Körper, Theorie und Poetik des Performativen.


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