Künstlerpräsentation von Ariel Schlesinger

Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart, Campus Weißenhof: Neubau 2, Vortragssaal

Foto: Ariel Schlesinger
Foto: Ariel Schlesinger

20.01.2015 | 18:00 - 20:00

The work of Ariel Schlesinger, 1980 born in Israel, makes playful, occasionally kineticand often threatening sculptures seem to be as much the work of an unhinged inventor as that ofa post-conceptual artist. He blurs the line between outsider inventor and studio-bound artist. Hispractice is based on „self-taught“ engineering and an energetic spirit. In his work, there are oftentwo layers: at first sight you see a poetic gesture, but often there is a political twist and a threat ofdestruction.

His recent and upcoming exhibitions includes, The Twelfth Havana Biennial; Hiding Wood inTrees, with Wilfredo Prieto, Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Ariel Schlesinger, KunsthausBaselland, Basel, Switzerland; Okazaki, Galerija Gregor Podnar, Berlin; Dealing with Surfaces, GAK Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst, Bremen. He lives in Berlin.

Weitere Informationen: Klasse Rainer Ganahl, Professor für Bildhauerei (Material- und Raumkonzepte auch unter Einbeziehung Neuer Medien) an der Kunstakademie Stuttgart

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