Diplom degree programme thesis abstracts 2011 / publication information
Yvonne Hilbert. More Light? Investigation concerning light sensitivity of artworks on paper including use of the light dosimeter LightCheck® Sensitive. Works of art on paper are particularly sensitive to light, and the so-calle “50-lux-rule” as light exposure limit has been increasingly called into question. The thesis focused on a selected number of selected naturally aged drawing media and papers of different composition and color which were light aged in close correlation to the norm DIN EN ISO 105-B02 2009 with and without UV-filtration and measured with a spectralphotometer. Results demonstrated the significance of UV-filtration and the sensitivity of papers exposed to light in the visible range affected by color change. Publication: Georg Dietz, Yvonne Hilbert, Irene Brückle, Mehr Licht? Lieber nicht! In: Art Value, im Druck (9. 1. 2016)